Additional Chapters
Theory and Practice of Couples and Family Counseling is a new publication for the American Counseling Association, but it is, in many respects, a greatly revised and updated version of my earlier textbook, Theory and Practice of Family Therapy and Counseling (2nd ed.), a book published by Cengage. In order to make room in the ACA publication for three new chapters on Couples counseling as well as numerous other text additions, two of the chapters from the second edition had to be removed.
The two chapters were "Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy," the model developed by Carl Whitaker and associates, and "Parenting in the 21st Century," a orientation to the most effective parenting practices currently being taught around the world. I have updated both of these chapters, and they appear in PDF form below.
Please make full use of these chapters. I own the copyright to them, and I am making them available to the public. You can read them online; you may download them; you may distribute and discuss them in university courses or in groups. They are intended to be educational, and in that regard, I am happy to have them used and distributed as widely as possible. Enjoy.